Category: WordPress Maintenance

  • WordPress Updates with WP-CLI

    Most people do plugin, theme and WordPress core updates via the WordPress Update page. But if you are managing multiple sites, you might find it’s easier for you if you use the command line. Once you are logged into the site via SSH (a secure encrypted text-based terminal for accessing your web hosting account’s files…

  • What if your hacked site has custom code?

    Normally when a potential client brings you a site that is hacked, you do everything you can to get it cleaned thoroughly. That would include updating all files for WordPress and plugins and your theme, to the latest version. New versions of the software often contain fixes for recently discovered security issues. But what do…

  • Security — Block Executing Files Uploaded in wp-content/

    Block executable files, uploaded to wp-content, to stop major source of malware. Important to prevent your site being hacked.