Category: HTML, CSS, PHP
HTML Tag Selection in NotePad++
NotePad++ for editing HTML code, add a plugin to select entire HTML or XML tag. Compare text files. Make a palette of colors from CSS file.
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors
How to fix code getting “PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP” messages.
Adding a Second Login to WordPress
How to make an encrypted password for your Apache server, and apply it to files or folders you want to protect. Make a two-step login for WordPress or other applications, much more secure.
PHP Accessing SSH functions
How to get results from Bash scripts in your PHP program, and the exact PHP code I use. (Also, see how I display the file’s own code for you to copy.)
PHP Unzip bug makes WordPress Updates hang
Problems with WordPress Update hanging? Or plugins failing with compression? Might be the version of PHP on your server, having bugs in Unzip.