Configuring Your Email DMARC Record for email deliverability and reducing spam

A DMARC record is important so the emails you send are more likely to get delivered. It also helps reduce spam where your domain name is forged into the emails being sent.

DMARC – this is a TXT record that practically tells the receiver to send an email to a particular e-mail address, if he gets spam mails from a certain domain. The record is added from cPanel -> Advanced DNS Zone Editor, and should look like this:

_dmarc.domain.TLD IN TXT 14400 "v=DMARC1; p=none;"

where you need to change domain.TLD and to the proper ones according to your case.

— SiteGround Configure SPF, DKIM and DMARC records

DMARC is one setting that other sites use to assess the credibility of your site’s emails. If you have DMARC records, your emails are more likely to be delivered, instead of refused or silently discarded. Spammers will forge your domain name into the emails they send, pretending to be you. DMARC records are one of the ways sites determine whether the email being sent to one of their people is legitimate.

Okay, go to your cPanel, click the Advanced DNS Zone Editor icon.

Select the domain name you are making an entry for.

Note: If you want to make entries for several domains, you must re-select the domain name between entries. If you don’t, the domain name (left over from your previous entry) will be appended to what you type in the domain name field. To fix this, delete the incorrect entry from the list, and start over.

Once you select a domain name, you will see a form for adding a new entry, and a list of the existing entries for that domain name.

Configure a DMARC record in cPanel

Help for the Name field says, “A zone name must be a domain name, and can include a period at the end.” Well, actually, if you type in a domain name, it automatically adds a period at the end. A DMARC entry should have _dmarc. followed by your domain name (that is a single underscore character). With my domain I entered

In the TTL field, just type in 14400. This field specifies “Time To Live”, how many seconds between checking for updates to this DNS entry. Don’t change it unless you know what you’re doing.

The Type field for DMARC has to be TXT. The field below changes based on this setting.

For the TXT Data field, I pasted in what was between the quotation marks in SiteGround’s help page. Then, after the “mailto:” you put in a valid email address where errors with mail delivery, or complaints about spam from your site, should go.

Don’t use your primary email address, since you don’t want to clutter your inbox with these messages. Do use an email address that someone will check occasionally, ideally your webmaster. This email address could forward to a GMail account, but don’t put the GMail account here, put an email address on your domain.

When you are done, it should look like this in cPanel, but with your domain name. Note that the TXT Data field is simply displayed wrapping onto 2 lines.

Result after configuring a DMARC record in cPanel